In her video, she suggests that the deaf resources to be in "fair-handling" at all centers. Some of the centers do not have enough resources on Deaf culture and ASL. Also, some of the hearing professionals hand in the information on oral programs and cochlear implants instead of deaf and ASL to the parents of the deaf child. They were supposed to be on neutral side and keep the options open on deaf and ASL programs for the parents to choose from. We need to have more resource centers with sufficient information on deaf and ASL.
In her video, she would like for us to establish the Department of Deaf Education at U.S. Dept. of Education, which may enforce with the laws to educate the deaf students. Education for the deaf fell into the category at the Dept. of Special Education. We need to have our own deaf education department in order to deliver instruction to develop the deaf students' skills, which may be equal to the hearing level. Unfortunately, some of the teachers with the Special Ed. degrees often underestimate their deaf students' skills and are delivering the instruction which may be too easy for them. Since the deaf people are as smart as the hearing people, it is important that we have the Dept. of Deaf Education! They might deliver the instruction at the hearing level to the deaf students through effective communication mode - ASL.
In her video, she responds to ASLeslie and JonLenois from YouTube regarding the development of higher ASL skills. Perhaps the honor ASL and ASL Literature courses could be added to their ASL teaching criteria at all schools. The hearing students are not the only ones who should develop this skill.
Frogger is an individual from mixed educational background in Oral, Total Communication, and ASL programs at mainstreamed and deaf schools. And Frogger says, "I will croak about some of the issues, which I learned from the people and resources through my lifetime experience. Issues cover the deaf education; literature; biblical views; welfare; health; technology; tourism; museology; and our careful responses to vloggers."